Guaranteed Ride Home
Looking to take transit, carpool, or bike to work, but worried about what you would do in an emergency? The Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program is here for you so you can have a back-up ride home from work during unexpected times!
Eligible Stanford Health Care & Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital staff can get a Guaranteed Ride Home for qualifying events up to six times per year!
Within the Luum Platform, eligible Stanford Health Care (SHC) & Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (LPCH) staff working at the Stanford Medicine Palo Alto campus can use Guaranteed Ride Home for qualifying events up to 6 times per calendar year.
Requesting a guaranteed ride home on the Luum App is easy!
Get the Luum app on your phone by clicking one of the following links: Luum for iPhone | Luum for Android
Alternatively, you can access the Luum portal via desktop here: Luum for SHC | Luum for SMCH
- Use your SHC or LPCH single sign-on to log into Luum
- Log your commute mode (how you travelled to work today) on the commute calendar in Luum
- Next, on the home dashboard of the Stanford Medicine Transportation Services Luum app, scroll down to the “Guaranteed Ride Home” section
- Tap on the “Get Lyft Code” button
- A drop-down will pop up for you to specify the reason you need a ride home
- Once you select your reason, tap “Get Lyft Code” to receive a Lyft code
* Valid destinations include employee’s home, daycare or eldercare facility, transit station, or park and ride lot. If needed, the Lyft can make one related stop (such as a child’s school) on the way to the destination
Qualifying trips must start at the staff member’s work location at the Stanford Medicine Palo Alto campus and end at home, a transit stop, or the place where their car is parked (e.g. park & ride lot or carpool partner’s home).
- To qualify for a guaranteed ride home, you must have arrived at work by using an alternative transportation option such as the commuter bus, transit, bike, or carpool on the day of the emergency.
- Brief side trips on your way home that have to do with the emergency are allowed (e.g. picking up a sick child at school or daycare, getting a prescription at a pharmacy, etc.)
To see if you are eligible, contact the Hospital Transportation Operations Center:
- Email -
- Call/Text - 650.736.8000